Do not never give Up.
Life Hello folks
Now I want to tell how I overcame myself and my problem related to my spirit, soul, or myself.
For years my mind have been messing with me and played small game that made my life, sleep, uncomfortable.
Most of it is my own fault, but that story I might tell another time.
For 22 years ago I was in a big accident and to make the story short I got badly wounded and it took me years to recover to a standard I could accept so far.
After weeks in coma it do something with you that you have to live with, well this is ok, but how shall I live and how to deal with this is another story.
Anyway all friends out there, my choice to NOT accept my status intellectually or physically was and is easy
After years of seeking and doing a lot of different things related to my wounds, damage I found for me the best way to do this.
This is not easy to describe in a few words, but I will try because it is actually simple to do when one first know how.
Here is my conclusion
Instead of looking to The World around
turn your eyes inward and look into your real self, good and bad, make friend with all of yourself, learn to love myself as I am.
Accept is a Key- word
From this point we will have better chance of doing something with our problems.
Remember the only real Enemy we have is Ourselves and that all progression is made within yourself.
You can Win The World, but what is that if your inside is rotten?
There is no contentment in Winning The World if You not everyday can look yourself in the face or meet yourself in the door and say Hi I Love You and I love The World and what is in it, because I can always decide how much I want to participate.

I will conclude with these words life is what you make it to be and there is no shortcuts, everyday is Battlefield where You are the General for your well being.
There is many things we can do to improve and I will mention what have do me well and still do which I practice everyday, they are:

As a holding a positive attitude towards yourself and the thing around will also help to create a good life where you should be in charge!
I can not do this so I have to a certain degree made this choice to stay by myself, I am not of the social kind and have never been. I actually dislike people or most of them, I know this is not all fair because I generalize her!
Anyway I have a good life that only is getting better day by day and there is no reason why it should not do that!

I would love to here from all of you !

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